

Beneficiaries File Appeal Against UnitedHealth Victory in Mental Healthcare Coverage Case

March 15th, 2023|Categories: Featured, Industry News|Tags: , , , |

A group of UnitedHealth members are filing an appeal to a recent court case against the company regarding its mental healthcare coverage practices. The class-action lawsuit alleged that United was basing its coverage decisions on patient claims based on the whims of the finance department, ignoring medical needs. The patient group had orgininally won their case in 2019 and 2020, but these wins were undone by court reversal last year.

Spring Health Launches Compass Platform for Mental Health Electronic Health Records Management

November 16th, 2022|Categories: Featured, Industry News|Tags: , , , , |

Mental healthcare professionals waste significant amounts of time creating and sorting through electronic health records (EHR). To help providers focus on patient care, Spring Health has released its Compass platform. Using the software platform, providers and other users have access to an integrated documentation, billing, and scheduling system.

Using Patient-Centered Digital Health Solutions to Improve Mental Health Outcomes

August 12th, 2022|Categories: Featured, Industry News|Tags: , , , , |

In recent years, digital health solutions have been developed for a variety of chronic conditions, but have yet to meet their promise. This “translation gap” represents a target for improving the state of digital health and bettering the health outcomes of patients. Mental healthcare, in particular, could benefit from digital health solutions.

Connecting Mental Healthcare with Primary Care to Improve Health Outcomes

August 12th, 2022|Categories: Featured, Industry News|Tags: , , |

Millions of people in the US who would benefit from mental healthcare are unable to do so due to a litany of barriers to access. Integrating primary care and mental healthcare could help lower barriers and get care to more patients. However, it will take a multipronged strategy from all stakeholders to reach this goal.

Improve Access to Mental Healthcare by Paying Trainees

July 18th, 2022|Categories: Featured, Industry News|Tags: , , , |

Access to mental healthcare in the US has been a growing issue for decades, only made worse by the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, the slow trickle of trainees is far from sufficient to bridge this gap. Instead, at the current rate, there will be 14,000 less psychiatrists practicing in 2030. In a new Health Affairs article, authors discuss how paying trainees for the care they deliver could support efforts to reverse this troubling trend.

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