Microsoft and Epic Expand Partnership: Generative AI Integration in Healthcare to Alleviate Workforce Burnout and Staff Shortages

August 23, 2023

Microsoft and Epic are extending their partnership to incorporate AI technologies in the healthcare sector. This joint venture aims to address critical issues, including workforce burnout and staff shortages. Key areas of collaboration include the employment of conversational, ambient, and generative AI technologies in Epic’s electronic health record (EHR) ecosystem. Epic has introduced several innovative abilities to boost clinicians’ productivity, including note summarization. Moreover, Nuance’s Dragon Ambient eXperience (DAX) technology is being incorporated into Epic’s platforms, enhancing user workflow experience. In addition, an AI-powered tool will assist medical coding staff by suggesting entries based on clinical EHR documentation. Further, Epic is using Azure OpenAI Service for exploring generative AI and studying rare diseases using real-world data. This expansion foresees a technology-oriented future with better patient care, reduced burnout, and smoother operations.

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[Source: Tech Times, August 23rd, 2023]

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