Join your peers to learn how pharmaceutical and life sciences organizations use conversational AI to automate workflows and communication to increase efficiency and reduce costs. Panelists from Pfizer and other leaders in the industry will discuss how artificial intelligence impacts and improves pharma’s relationships with physicians, consumers, insurers, and regulators. You will gain insights into how mobile apps can streamline the treatment journey and the power of automated communication to improve awareness, access, and adherence. Finally, you’ll also walk away with real-life examples of how physicians harness innovation and digital tactics for new patient acquisition and patient support. Come prepared with questions so you can drive superior results for your organization.

Featured Speakers:

Ofer Waks

Director of Digital Strategy and Innovation


As Pfizer’s Director of Innovation and Strategy, Ofer Waks is responsible for recognizing the organization’s digital transformation opportunities. He’s a registered, former pharmacist with experience in Corporate Development (Due Diligence, Commercial Assessment, Contracting), Strategic/Product marketing (Global and US), Business Intelligence (Commercial Support), mid/late-stage Commercial Launch Planning, and Commercial Strategy Management. In addition, his therapeutic and disease experience includes Oncology, Ophthalmology, Neurology, Vaccines, Diabetes, Orphan Genetic Diseases, and Hemophilia.

Nate Treloar

Chief Operating Officer and Founder


Nate is co-founder and COO of Orbita. He’s a respected expert and frequent speaker on consumer and business trends in voice and conversational user experiences in healthcare, search, text and data mining, content management, and knowledge management. In addition, he has advised hundreds of the world’s largest companies and government agencies on their applications. Previously, Nathan held key executive positions at FAST Search, Microsoft, RAMP, and Ektron.

Mark Sucrese

SVP of Marketing Sciences


Marketing executive with 20+ years of; thought leadership, people management, solution design, consulting, and marketing innovation. Extensive knowledge around; marketing technologies, machine learning, artificial intelligence, database marketing, CRM, and data science. Mark is focused on delivering high-impact solutions that help brand brands innovate in the ever-changing marketing technology landscape.

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