Maximizing Market Share: The Emerging Importance of Real-World Data Acquisition in Modern Healthcare Marketing

October 19, 2023

Modern healthcare marketing firms supported by private capital are increasingly looking toward acquiring real-world data (RWD) expertise to enhance their service offerings and increase market share. Private equity firms have catalyzed new commercialization platforms, enabling scale through strategic acquisitions. RWD is a crucial resource that supports decision-making at all levels, from directing campaigns to sales and demonstrating value-based care. Key private RWD providers, Tempus, Komodo Health, and Concert AI, have substantial valuations, though acquiring them may prove expensive. However, public providers are trading at lower values. The fragmented RWD market might see more integration with market access companies, bringing more patient and formulary data together. The rapidly evolving AI in the industry could lead some platforms to invest in large data businesses. The increased need for data-driven efficiency in healthcare marketing also promotes RWD’s importance.

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[Source: MM+M, October 20th, 2023]

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