When optimizing your clinical supply, it is crucial to engage a technology partner specializing in tools and services geared toward both your trial supply and sustainability goals. The sharp rise in gas prices and resulting high inflation make reducing shipping and energy costs an economic imperative. Additionally, the limited availability of drugs and API resources, expensive comparator drugs, sensitive compounds, short IP expiration dates, as well as high volumes of deliveries introduce logistical challenges and increase cost pressure.

It is essential to engage the right IRT partner to assist in precise supply chain modeling and forecasting, the automation of supply strategies based on real-time trial data as well as deep partnerships in global logistics. Any solid IRT partnership should always include:

Concrete ways to reduce clinical supply costs

Technology that reduces burden and manual work

Complexity management

Fewer replacement shipments

Strategies to optimize expensive IP or comparator costs

Plans that eliminate site stock-out potential

Join IRT industry veteran and drug supply expert Stefan Dürr as he discusses how to reduce the impact of both traditional and emerging macroeconomic pressure on clinical trial supply. Be sure to stay for the live Q&A at which point you’ll have the opportunity to present Stefan with your biggest drug supply challenges.

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