Mac Bonafede, Stella Chang, and Dr. Rajesh Dash provide an overview on defeating common clinical trial barriers by combining EHR data with advanced analytics technologies.

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, clinical trials were already increasing in cost and complexity, creating uncertainty for clinical trial planning and execution. The COVID-19 pandemic has only exacerbated that problem by creating numerous healthcare-related obstacles, including obstacles in the realm of clinical research.

However, electronic health record (EHR) data can be combined with advanced analytics technologies to help overcome these obstacles. In this webinar, you will hear a robust example of how teams of expert data scientists from Veradigm® and HealthPals successfully used the Veradigm Health Insights Ambulatory EHR™ dataset to replicate the ROCKET-AF clinical trial.

Key Topics Include:

  • How the Veradigm EHR dataset was analyzed by the HealthPals CLINTTM analytics platform to successfully replicate the results of ROCKET-AF, a large, landmark, international clinical trial
  • How the Veradigm EHR dataset could be used to construct an external control arm (ECA) for an ongoing clinical trial


Vice President
Research Consulting

Mac Bonafede is Vice President of Research Consulting at Veradigm where he leads their team of data scientists, statisticians, and epidemiologists in conducting and guiding real world health economics and outcomes research studies.

Vice President
Life Sciences Solutions

Stella Chang is Vice President of Life Sciences Solutions at Veradigm, where she oversees a portfolio of EHR-sourced real world data (Veradigm Health Insights), clinical registries (PINNACLE, Diabetes Collaborative Registry), SaaS solutions (Evalytica), and point-of-care research (Veradigm Study Source) solutions.

Co-Founder & Stanford Cardiologist
HealthPals, Inc.

Dr. Rajesh Dash, Stanford cardiologist, observed that significant gaps in patient care could be closed by mapping clinical data to clinical guidelines.

Production Partner


Veradigm is a health information technology, analytics, and intervention solutions company. We are dedicated to simplifying the complicated healthcare system with next-generation technology and solutions, transforming healthcare from the point-of-care to everyday life.

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