Veradigm and Lash Group Partner to Improve Patient Access to Specialty Prescription Drugs

May 27, 2021

Data solution company Veradigm and patient support services company Lash Group of Amerisource Bergen have reached an agreement that will facilitate the distribution of specialty medications. These medications will be available to a greater number of patients through Veradigm’s AccelRx™ platform. This collaboration is of note for patients, payers, providers, pharma, and other healthcare stakeholders.

“Through this collaboration, Veradigm and Lash Group can deliver a frictionless solution that will drive efficiency, resulting in a streamlined process and increased speed-to-therapy. Veradigm AccelRx™ delivers a unique breakthrough solution that is helping to streamline specialty medication management for medical clinics and practices across the country.” Read more here.

(Source: John Santilli, Access Market Intelligence, 5/26/21)

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