Tips for Managed Care to Approach Value-Based Care

June 29, 2023

The shift towards value-based care has the potential to benefit patients, providers, and payers alike, but it brings about unique challenges for managed care plans. In a new Managed Healthcare Executive article, learn more about value-based care payment models and strategies to apply them successfully in managed care organizations.

According to Mike Szczesny, “In a value-based care model, healthcare providers work collaboratively to improve patient outcomes. This involves a multi-disciplinary approach and open lines of communication. Geisinger Health System, for example, launched a patient-centered medical home model, which led to a 20% decrease in hospital admissions and a $1.5 million saving annually. To ensure a successful value-based care model, it’s essential to continuously measure and improve outcomes. This process includes tracking patient health metrics, gathering feedback, and making necessary adjustments.”

To read more, click here.

(Source: Managed Healthcare Executive, June 27th, 2023)

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