The Landscape of Market Access in 2022

January 28, 2022

Industry experts lay out their projections for market access in 2022 in a new MMIT article by Dinesh Kabaleeswaran. When asked about the biggest challenge facing market access, the panel mentioned limitations in coverage, copay accumulators, and digital therapeutic policies. Participants were also asked about the industry innovations they’re most excited about. Associate consultant Saket Patel anticipates the diabetes drug tirzeptide from Eli Lilly, while Carolyn Zele looks towards stem cell therapy.

According to the article, Zele says, “Pharma’s focus on curative therapies, specifically stem cell therapies, outside of oncology is an exciting development. Novo Nordisk is working on a cure for diabetes with stem cells, and we already have Zolgensma, which uses a single infusion of stem cells to help spinal muscular dystrophy in toddlers (which means that toddlers with SMA won’t have to take drugs for the rest of their lives).”

Read more by clicking here.

(Source: MMIT, January 27th, 2022)

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