Recognizing Women’s Contributions in Economics: Claudia Goldin’s Nobel Prize and its Significance

October 10, 2023

The narrative of economic history has predominantly been recorded through a male viewpoint, with 90 out of 93 Nobel Prizes in Economic Sciences awarded to men. The third woman to obtain this prize, Harvard labor economist Claudia Goldin, was recognized in Oct 2023 for her studies on the gender pay gap. Only 24% of economics tenure-track faculty consist of women, compared to 43% across all academia. Economics is perceived as primarily about finance, banking, and money, theories that may not attract women drawn to areas impacting social issues, including health, development, education, and gender equality. Women are mainly present in labor, health, development, and education economics.

However, economics as a discipline has often overlooked women’s roles and contributions to the economy, with models frequently undervaluing the unpaid labor women provided in homes. Claudia Goldin has challenged these traditional views with her research emphasizing issues women face after giving birth, such as career interruptions and reduced work hours, which can diminish women’s earnings and job trajectories long-term. Her Nobel Prize highlights the need for robust support systems to address these wage gaps, like more substantial childcare facilities, flexible work hours, and improved parental leave policies.

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[Source: The Conversation, October 10th , 2023]

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