ISPOR Discussion on Overcoming Cost Barriers to Deliver Novel Gene Therapies

May 24, 2021

ISPOR recently held a panel discussion on how high gene therapy price tags may limit patient access. New gene therapies, such as Zolgensma for use in spinal muscular atrophy, can cost millions of dollars per treatment. Panelist Dr. Michael Sherman discussed several solutions to these high price tags, including requiring discounts for less effective therapies and indication-based pricing.

Dr. Sherman remarks, “If you’re talking about a million to $2 million, or perhaps eventually a $3 million treatment, if it doesn’t work, it’s worth a lot less, and maybe not 10 or 20%, less, maybe 90% less,” adding, “So, the greater the price, the more that there needs to be a risk element (for drug manufacturers).” He further noted, “I think it’d be a shame if we let the fact that our financing system for healthcare — the fact that it was not designed for these kinds of therapies — to be a barrier.” Read more here.

(Source: Peter Wehrwein, Managed Healthcare Executive, 5/19/21)

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