Genesis Research Enhances EVID AI

December 17, 2021

EVID AI, the most extensive research platform for current healthcare literature, has been enhanced by the health economics and outcomes research (HEOR) company Genesis Research. Users can fine-tune their searches for the exact kind of data needed for analysis EVID AI will comb through over 80 million data points pulled from peer-reviewed publications. This saves considerable time for researchers who would typically have to pore over papers one by one.

According to PM Live, “Using EVID AI, certain literature-bound tasks can be done 59 times faster than manual efforts, with significantly more relevant evidence per search and 15 times fewer irrelevant articles. The patented machine-learning format, programmed through exposure to tens of thousands of training data points, is faster and more comprehensive than ever and will cut research time from months to weeks or days.”

Read more by clicking here.

(Source: PM Live, December 14th, 2021)

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