GE Healthcare moves imaging, clinical analytics platforms to Amazon Web Services cloud

August 19, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic sent the healthcare industry scrambling to speed up its slow-moving shift to a more virtualized, tech-based care delivery model—and a new partnership between GE Healthcare and Amazon Web Services is hoping to make that fast-tracked transition much smoother.

GE Healthcare will begin moving several of its software platforms to the AWS cloud, making it easier for healthcare providers and artificial intelligence developers alike to access clinical data to improve patient care.

The Edison Health Services system is used by both clinicians and tech developers. It compiles data from a variety of sources—including electronic health records and imaging and other medical devices, spanning about 50 petabytes of data produced by GE’s hospital customers each year—then applies AI algorithms and digital applications to that information to generate wide-ranging reports of the condition of individual patients and the clinic as a whole.

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2021-08-09 16:22:02

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