Experts Debate the Use of Real-World Data in Hematology Research

June 14, 2023

Data technology background. Big data visualization. Flow of data. Information code. Background in a matrix style. 4k rendering.

In a debate at this year’s European Hematology Association Congress, experts discussed whether and how real-world data (RWD) could replace clinical trials in hematology. According to moderator Phillipe Rousselot, MD, RWD better accounts for the diversity of patients, making the data more applicable to real-world patient populations.

According to Christina Mattina, “There to argue the ‘no’ position was Martin Dreyling, MD, professor at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, Germany. ‘There is no alternative to clinical trials,’ he said, presenting a slide of a pyramid ranking meta-analyses as the highest-quality evidence, with those meta-analyses composed of individual randomized controlled trials. To prove the point that high-quality evidence is of utmost importance, he asked the audience to raise their hands if they don’t believe in evidence-based medicine; no one did.”

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(Source: AJMC, June 9th, 2023)

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