Developing Strategies for Hospitals to Leverage Real-World Data

December 16, 2022

Hospitals generate large amounts of real-world data (RWD) that could produce real-world evidence for clinical research. However, effectively leveraging this data is difficult and requires a carefully considered strategy. In a new Forbes article, Brian Foy of Q-Centrix lays out 4 key steps hospitals can take to get the most out of their RWD resources, beginning with structuring unstructured data.

According to Foy, “Up to 80% of clinical data is currently unstructured, meaning it requires interpretation before it can be used effectively. Unstructured data may take the form of doctors’ notes, medical imaging or other information that requires interpretation before it can be processed. Due to the lack of available technology purpose-built for structuring and curating RWD, hospitals have largely had to rely on homegrown tools like spreadsheets and Access databases to do this work. To take RWD efforts to the next level, hospitals may need to seek out more advanced solutions for managing unstructured data such as hiring staff members with these skills.”

To read more, click here.

(Source: Forbes, December 15th, 2022)

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