CMS Leaders Propose Universal Foundation for Quality Measures

February 3, 2023

The US Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has several varying sets of quality measures with some degree of overlap with that of other insurers. In a newly published paper in the New England Journal of Medicine, CMS executives detail a so-called “Universal Foundation” of quality measures to help align quality measures across CMS centers and other insurers.

According to David Raths, “CMS has created a cross-center working group focused on coordination of these processes and on development and implementation of aligned measures to support a consistent approach under the Universal Foundation. One goal, they say, is for the Universal Foundation to eventually include selected measures for assessing quality along a person’s care journey — from infancy to adulthood — and for important care events, such as pregnancy and end-of-life care.”

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(Source: Healthcare Innovation, February 2nd, 2023)

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