Article Reflects on NICE’s Achievements, Economic Evaluation Methods

February 19, 2020

University of York’s Mark Sculpher and Stephen Palmer in a recent article published in PharmacoEconomics discuss the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence’s track record of achievements and the evolution of its economic evaluation methods.

Sculpher and Palmer in their review go back 20 years, when NICE first became a legal entity in the U.K.

“The paper concludes that NICE has provided important support for the development of new methods, in particular through its role in identifying priorities for methods research funding and its sponsorship of the NICE Decision Support Unit,” they write. “However, potentially important developments in methods in a number of important areas have yet to be formally included in NICE’s methods guidance and this should be addressed in the Institute’s 2019/2020 methods review.”

To learn more about the article, click here.

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